Saturday, May 2, 2015


Our first visitor of the Spring! She stayed in our yard all day! I suspect she's going to have her baby here.
My first pansies that I planted this spring! with a little bit of colorizing.

I'm usually a woman of MANY words........... I thought I'd try each Saturday to be a woman of few words.

I'm a woman of very
few words,
lots of action.
Mae West


  1. How nice that you have such a tame deer to visit you.. I hope you capture photos of her fawn! Your pansy photo is so neat.. how did you do that? Have a great week ahead. Your favorite photo of my sunsets is mine also. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Hi Teresa, Our "tame" deer left that evening! Maybe her day at our place was just a little respite... I do hope she comes back. We had to admonish her for nosing around the new lilly I had just planted and she ran off.. if she does come back, I'll definitely get photos of her baby. There is a little herd of about 10 deer in our area that wanders along the roads and in yards,, so she is probably one of them. For that photo, I always use ACDSee Photo Manager to do my editing. I don't have Photoshop. When I edited this photo, I used the "effects" tab, "colored edges"... and then picked lavender. You can adjust how much intensity there is, from just a little bit to a huge color wash. I love ACDSee as it is so user friendly! Have a nice Sunday and enjoy your piece of heaven on earth! Marilyn
