Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Flowers on paper only!

Hi all, 
I'm so JEALOUS seeing some blog posts popping up where there are pictures of actual real flowers blooming! I'm so sick of snow... and I'm sure there are many of YOU out there feeling the same way!


I mean... snow IS gorgeous and pretty and all that... but come on now... we've had enough! ...............as I'm sure so many of you have had enough of it in the Northeast!

I NEED SOME FLOWERS HERE! All I have is browns, white and greens. Well, I must admit, we HAVE had some blue skies lately, but it's so darned COLD out.

All I have right now are some pretty flowered scrapbook papers. That's all I get! I just bought a few gorgeous 12x12 paper pads at Tuesday Morning, an awesome store here around the Pacific Northwest, that has alot of "seconds" or special deals on things.  So here goes.... all that I get right now....... flowers on paper.

I LOVE this hydrangia!

These are from Heidi Swapp, the Sugar Chic paper pad that I got for $3.99! Love all the pinks and blacks.
And oh my....... some yellow roses.......

These yellow roses papers are from Colorbok, the Antique Paperie pad I think I got for $2.99. There are some gorgeous papers inside!

 And could I dare dream for a pink rose?

Pinks and greens from Colorbok again! and roses and antique look "wallpapers"... from the Victorian Parlour collection, also $2.99 I think. Sigh...................
If you want to see some gorgeous flowers and indoor bouquets... go check out Aiken House & Gardens. She lives on Prince Edward Island, Canada (east coast) so she is truly getting her share of the snow, but she somehow manages to make her "indoors" feel like Spring!  I love hopping on over to her "house" and peeking inside to see her wonderful flowers and transferware.

Photos from Aiken House & Gardens.

Can you see the snow outside her windows?
Oh (swoon......)... this was just taken a few days ago!

Carolyn, at Aiken House & Gardens, is also a wonderful photographer, and collects stunning transferware and china.
Whenever I need an uplift, I visit Carolyn at her house and gardens!

For now, my flowers on paper will have to do.......... and by the way, I AM working on a tutorial on a neat little mini photo book, that can have unlimited pages put in it!.... and with an EASY way to bind it! Stay tuned..... it should be posted in the next few days.

I hope you're having some Spring weather wherever you are!


  1. So glad you shared your pretty cache of color!

    1. Thank you! I must just be happy right now looking at my beautiful papers! Marilyn

  2. Well we have lots of flowers blooming, and so are the trees. Really another warm winter here in Peoria, Arizona.

    Here are some pictures I put in a dropbox folder of flowers!


    1. Thank you so much Jann for the pretty flowers! Love the butterfly and getting a peek at your house. I'm so envious.... I have to keep telling myself... Spring will come (someday)..... Spring will come (someday).... are those lemons I saw in the box? do you have a lemon tree? if so, I'm REALLY jealous! Marilyn

  3. What gorgeous flowers...love the pinks..looks like you will be playing with paper! That snow should disappear soon it has be in the low 60's here in the Spokane area! Spring is here

    1. Hi Karen! Our snow is just about gone now and hope it's done for the year now (fingers crossed). I do love my flowered papers... and especially with anything with PINK..... they are so yummy. I almost hate to use them, but just found a neat project to do with one sheet (found on YouTube) that maybe I can spare! If I actually make it, I'll post it on my blog as is really neat. Think Spring! Marilyn
