Sunday, October 19, 2014

Elves to delight you!

I'm still unpacking from our move, and haven't dug into my crafting boxes yet, so will delight you with some photos I took of my sister, Barb's, Elf Collection.  These are SO DARLING! They sit perkily on her kitchen windowsill, always there to give me an uplift and a smile.


Each one (or most anyway) is planted with some sort of cactus or succulent plant.

They are so whimsical and fun!

She collects them from all over the United States. Whenever she sees one, or whenever her friends or family see one, they just HAVE to get it for her!  We are all on the lookout.

It's a good excuse to go to the 2nd hand stores and antique stores (as if I really need an excuse?)

These are only a very few of what she has.

These are just a few of my favorites.
Look at this cute little snail!

I just LOVE collections, don't you? I have a Red Wing Pottery collection, the ones with the birds on them.  Some day soon, I will show you my treasures.

What do you love to collect?

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