Saturday, July 26, 2014


This post is in honor of my son, Eric James Fossum, who passed away 5 years ago today.  I miss you sweet Eric.

I saw a post on Facebook the other day, by the family of a sweet little boy named Danny, who has an inoperable brain tumor. His 6th birthday was July 25th.  All he wanted for his birthday were cards in the mail!

Danny loves getting cards. Here's the link to the story: Danny Nickerson story.  He has already received over 30,000 cards! The post asked that people send cards for his birthday. I was a little late, but got one done and sent today.

I used a darling sheet of paper full of all sorts of little critters and that had this chalk-like saying that I cut out. The row of animals on the bottom came from a different 6x6 pad! I thought a little boy would love all the animals.

I decided to make the card interactive, so on the inside I put a pocket along the bottom and put some tags in that he could write on (with a little help I'm sure), and a teeny tiny little pocket album with little tags inside.

This little album was made from a 6x6 piece of paper and is 2" tall and 1-1/2 inches wide! Very tiny but room inside for some little tags he can write on or put teeny photos (with help I'm sure!)
I had made the album a few weeks ago, which is a tiny version of the one sheet wonder pocket album that I love so much. Normally it uses a piece of 12x12 paper. This one was made with a piece of 6x6 paper and then I added the little paper edge for the spine. I thought it matched perfectly to put inside this card, and I stamped Danny's name on the front. What child doesn't like to see their name in print?

Here is one of the tags that I put inside. My husband said when he was a little boy, around 8 years old, someone wrote this out for him and asked him to read it. Can you figure out what it says? I thought it matched the little owls I stamped everywhere! He said he has never forgotten that saying, so I thought a 6 year old boy would love it too.

Below are the tags that I put inside the card. I had some journaling tags that I had printed with my computer. I put sticky tape on the back so he can write on them and then stick them somewhere (his bed? his mirror? the wall?). I thought he would get a kick out of drawing or writing on little cards!

This shows how tiny the album is. The card measures 5x7.

I think you can still send Danny cards. The address was posted on Facebook, so I'm putting the envelope here with his address on it.

This was so much fun to make and it felt good to give a little something to a sweet little boy who asked for so little, and ended up getting so much.  And I thought of Eric the whole time I was making this cute little boy card, because he was such a thoughtful and giving young man.

Maybe you can make or send a card to Danny too.

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  1. I cannot think of a nicer way you could have honored Eric - AND Danny!

    1. Thank you Jean! I'm so glad I did this... and hope Eric was with me as I made the card. I feel so bad for what Danny is facing and what his family is facing. It's so hard.

  2. What a sweet thing to do! I love that you made it interactive - I'm sure he had so much fun with it!

    1. Thank you Manuela. I thought he'd enjoy being able to write on the little tags or have his mom put pictures on them. These are so fun to make.

  3. Hi Marilyn,
    That was very kind of you to make such a sweet card for Danny with thoughts of Eric in your heart.

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog today also.

    Take care,
