Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Really maddening...........

Well all of you readers... this is really REALLY REALLY! upsetting. I just spent 2 hours doing the 2nd part of my Studio J (Close to My Heart's digital scrapbooking program) tutorial on making a digital scrapbook page.... and then lost it all! Blogger has been giving me fits today and was blinking warning messages, but I (gulp) of course, ignored them!

One of my recent Studio J "family" layouts.
My tutorial was VERY detailed, and I did alot of screen captures of each step of the way.  You really would have loved it.

Now.... do I try to do it over again and reproduce what I did?  It's up to you guys.

What I'm going to do is this........ if any of you DO want a tutorial on the next fun step in using Studio J (for FREE) and in making some of your very own digital scrapbook page layouts, PLEASE COMMENT here, or email me at

I will then, very carefully, and with much hope in my heart (that it doesn't crash again), try to reproduce what I already did (and was almost done with!).  Or maybe I'll do an actual document that I can just email out. Not sure yet.

Maybe all of you already know how to do digital scrapbooking? Anyway, please let me know if you DO want me to do this tutorial (all over) again!

(P.S. I even lost my signature!)

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