Thursday, March 27, 2014

MEMORIES. . . . . . . . . . . .

I love this sentence that I came across a few months ago in a book I was reading. These few words were tucked into one of the chapters. I almost skipped past them without a thought. But then I backed up, read them again, and thought "oh how true this is".

"The best days pass quickly.......
..........that's why God gave us memories".

This particular book was titled "To Love and Cherish" by Tracie Peterson and Judith Miller. This line definitely goes into my notebook of beautiful quotes. And this book was one of those that you want to read again and again (or buy, so you can mark it all up), just so you can take in the wonderful sentences that make you stop and think, and appreciate life.

And I'm so glad I have my memories of summers past, to get me through these last lingering, cold, gray, days of winter.

Please hurry back my glorious, fragrant Daphne!

Oh what memories of my bright Crocosmia!

And where would I be without the memories of the wild and stately Foxglove?
 ........... and I cherish every one of my memories...... and the special moments DO pass too quickly.
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