Friday, February 14, 2014


Well, I had a hankering the other day for fruit salad with some sort of ginger dressing. I don't know why, but don't you once in awhile just crave something unusual?

And for some reason, I wanted a ginger sauce. I've never made one before and I have no idea why it sounded so good!

So I got out my recipe books - do you think I could find a recipe for a ginger sauce for a fruit salad? NO!  

I browsed my cookbook shelf one more time, and right there in the middle, was my lonely little "My Golden Recipes" cookbook that I rarely open anymore. 

It was given to me by my mom (now passed) back in the early 1980's, and I used to collect recipes and put them in that little book.

The pages are old and curled, and the writing is faded.  I used to cut recipes out of magazines and newspapers and tape them into the recipe book. I had hundreds!

That little recipe book brought back such fond memories of when my kids were little, and when I cooked and baked all the time. 
Some of my all time favorites are written in there by my hand.  And guess what I found????

Yup, Orange Yogurt Salad Dressing and made with............ you guessed it - ginger! and who would ever have thought of putting a mashed banana in salad dressing?

And of course I HAD to have something to go with it right? how about cinnamon rolls?

And I had a boxed mix for cinnamon rolls that I've been hoarding forever (well, probably because you have to knead it and roll it out on the counter, and I was too lazy to make them).... Chebe Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls. 

So now I was excited and ready to go.  Here's how it went:

They really weren't dull at all! The salad dressing was MORE than delicious! It was sensational! I made the fruit salad with FRESH oranges (I was craving those too - could it be the cold and gray weather?), a cut up banana, pineapple and slivered almonds. 

The cinnamon rolls came out great and weren't really that hard to make (after all my procrastinating). 

But I wanted to serve it all up in a pretty way, so here's what I came up with:

My husband and I ate that salad up in one night! And of course, the cinnamon rolls were gone by the next morning!  It only took me 30 years to make that ginger salad dressing.

Here's my recipe for the dressing - I changed it a little:

1 medium mashing banana
2-3 tbs orange juice (I used Simply Orange)
2 tsp honey
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 cup plain (unsweetened) yogurt
1/4 cup slivered almonds

The moral of this story is: go and browse through your OLD cookbooks! You may find a treasure there.

What are some of your favorite (but seldom made or baked) recipes?

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