Monday, January 27, 2014


January joys are abundent, although I've been remiss in posting on my blog.

January has brought busy-ness, a late Christmas celebration (New Year's Day), illness, company and more illness, so I'm not crafting much these days. 

But I am looking out the windows and loving nature........ as usual. 

Snow is still on the ground from our January 5th snow storm. I know there are many out there in blogland who are having to deal with horrible weather conditions.

Our weather has settled down for the time being.........just lovely white fluffy piles of snow to look at and enjoy scuffing through as we walk around our property.

Until the next snow storm.......... I hope I can find some time for crafting and baking!
  photo Blogsignature_zpse7467648.png


  1. Beautiful pictures!
    Is that green cottage on your property? Living in the Phoenix, AZ area, I enjoy our winters.

    1. Yes the little green cottage is on our property! It is so cute and I can see it as I gaze out my kitchen window. I love when the snow surrounds it so it becomes my "little green cottage".... I added some pink tints when I edited the photo, but the rest is "as is"! I do love the snow on the tree branches and I seem to always be taking pictures of snow on trees.
