Sunday, December 22, 2013


It's almost Christmas. It's the season for sharing, loving and giving.  It's a difficult time of year for some of us who have loved ones who are no longer here on this earth. The memories of our precious loved ones are sweet, but also bittersweet. We cherish those memories, by reminiscing with our photographs, or by recalling special moments that live only in our hearts. We are sometimes bitter, and yet the memories are so sweet. But if nothing else, we must try to continue to give to others, and share ourselves with others, as best as we can.

Looking back at my blog posts over the last year, I especially love this one: THE JOY OF GIVING, HERE that I posted last January.

I included some quotes that mean a lot to me, and that are especially important to "live" by this time of year.  One of my favorite quotes is:

We make a living by what we get, 
but we make a life by what we give.  
Winston Churchill  1974-1965.

I have the same feelings today as I did then.

This photo, that I took last year, reminds me of what Heaven must look like. 

I'd like to share this Christmas season with all of our loved ones, here on earth, and those who have departed, and I pray that they are looking at us with smiles, and joy that we try to live each day as a privilege and as something very special. And that we continue to give.

I hope your Christmas this year is blessed.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello Marilyn, Thank you very much for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog!
    Wishing you and your hubby Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
