Sunday, September 15, 2013


Sadly, Summer is coming to an end.............. I love Fall and the golden days... but I'm missing my colorful summer flowers!

It's time to travel down memory lane, and visit some of my old friends of summers past.  Here's Crocosmia from last year, being visited by our local hummingbird!

These are one of my all-time favorites! The vivid oranges brighten up my summer yard... and keep me company way into the Fall.

I like to reminisce about flowers of my past, like this stunning Iris!

My son gave me three Iris bulbs a few years ago, and although I had to leave them at my previous house, I have this picture to remind me of their beauty.

Geranium hanging baskets graced my last house entry gate. I hope to have hanging baskets next year although I don't have any gates where I live now.  I LOVE garden gates!

One of my old friends, Queen Anne's Lace, grew in profusion along the road to my last home. I have loved these flowers since my childhood.  Isn't Mother Nature amazing?

My last home was in a very wet climate (SW Washington). I didn't think I would see any here in dry central Oregon, but there are actually a few peaking their stately heads up in my little backyard viola flower bed!  

Every Fall, it seems I find myself drawn to my flowers of previous years. They are like old friends that I like to visit every now and then.  I'm glad I've taken tons of pictures!

I didn't have too many flowers this year since we've only been here a year, so I depended on what was already here!  There are lots of wildflowers in my front flower bed.... which are just now saying hello to me!

I tucked in a little green plastic tray that I found at our Rhubarb Festival for 50 cents!  I keep it filled with water and the birds and bees love it.

Oh my.. one of the last pink carnations that is hanging on to the very last minute of summer!

It is really hard to keep flowers around for very long, as the local deer love browsing here for their midnight snacks!  This flower pot (below) used to have really glorious blooms!

........until mama and her baby came by for a delicious snack. One morning, she was standing practically ON my deck, munching away at EVERYTHING!

I tried hanging tin foil on a post in my flowers, and also draped foil over my pots. It seems to help.  I sprinkled some of my marigolds with chili powder, thinking it would keep the deer away, but all I did was kill the blooms! (duh....).

It's been a few weeks now since the last deer foray, and a few flowers have managed to begin forming new blossoms.  I'm glad the deer left me "something" to look at!

I also have a few survivors on my back deck, because every night, I drag the pots back right next to my house.  I did this after catching a deer right in my fenced backyard, happily munching away at my strawberries in a pot on the edge of the deck!

My lone back deck survivor - Begonias and daisies.
I will savor this lone pot for the rest of the summer!

I hope I have a few more days to enjoy my lovely summer flowers...... until the frost hits, which should be soon.  In this neck of the woods, some of our nights have already hit 32 degrees!

When they are gone for another year, I'll continue to reminisce about my old friends of summers past.

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