Saturday, July 13, 2013


 I haven't been to a rodeo in years, and since I'm kind of in a "summer slump" as far as crafting, I thought I'd share this little slideshow with you that I made of the Frontier Days rodeo we went to here in La Pine, Oregon. Hope you enjoy! Turn your speakers on too!

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As you know, if you follow my blog, I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY! And I love using Smilebox for making photo greetings, collages and slideshows.

I think I had more fun at the rodeo taking pictures than I did actually watching the rodeo!  Well........... maybe......... I do love cowboys...........(sigh). 

If you haven't been to a rodeo, you should go!  They are so fun and the sense of patriotism is so great at every one I go to. There is probably a rodeo this summer somewhere in your neck of the woods.

Hope you enjoy!  And I'll get back to crafting soon and have a few new tips and ideas to show you.


  1. My ex's dad used to rodeo (he was a heeler.) So I got to see a few. We went to the Mesquite, TX rodeo a couple times.

    Thanks for a blast from the past memory!

    1. Jann, glad you enjoyed this! I'm so glad I went to this one.. had been a few years for me. I used to go to rodeos every summer in my younger years and always took my kids when they were small! What fun! Love those horses and cowboys!

  2. Marilyn,

    I really enjoyed the rodeo shots. You did an awesome job getting really nice action shots.

    1. Thank you Deb! I had so much fun taking the pictures! My camera is usually attached to me somewhere...... I was happy with the action shots.. am getting a new camera that will take better pictures and has more of a zoom on it so I'm really excited! Glad you enjoyed.
