Monday, May 20, 2013


For some reason, I just can't get enough of flowers right now!  I guess it's the warmer weather. I want to SEE all of them!

I wish there were more flowers to see here in La Pine, Oregon, but it's a late spring, so I'm going to have to go back to my cache of photos from springs gone by.

Beautiful blossom from my Pink Dogwood tree up in Washington state! I'm very partial to Dogwoods! Do you know why?
My sweet pink Rhododendron from my last home in Washington State.

Of course, birds are so much a part of Spring! This is a pretty Tree Swallow that has chosen to gift us with a nest of babies in the little birdhouse right outside our front door!
I am going to do more "bird watching" and bird photography this year!

Not flowers but this old photo that I took along the Oregon coast spoke to me today.
Gardening is truly an art form and so good for my soul!
I am one of those people who NEED flowers in their lives!


(Note:  All content © PINK PAPER COTTAGE. Please do not copy, use or print my photos and images without linking to this blog and my name. These are my own personal photos. Thank you!)

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