Monday, April 15, 2013


Can you believe that we had snow today? Wow, April 14th and 38 degrees and snowing. I just don't have any beautiful flowers to show you like so many other blog ladies in the more termperate climates are showing off! On other blogs, I'm seeing gorgeous trees in bloom, potted plants in full color and new buds coming out on tree limbs. All I have to offer you are some strawberries, a stump, and a few violas that have managed to peek their little heads up while the snows are still flying!

My very first new strawberry leaves! But............... the deer will probably eat them before I ever get a berry!
Pretty stump?  at least there is some green coming up behind it!

Can you guess what this is????????????????  Rhubarb... and the deer DON'T like this and I have plans for rhubarb pie this summer!
I had good intentions when I tromped around our yard hoping to find a little color, but not much to offer yet.  I did manage to find a few little violas popping their heads up.

Some pretty  branches............. and a couple of birdhouses..........

I've been having fun watching the birds fight for who gets ownership this spring of the birdhouses!

Oh...... I have one little flat of pansies and violas I bought a few weeks ago, and left them sitting out on my front porch......... a test to see if they would withstand the "spring" here in central Oregon!  So far they've survived 3 inches of snow, high winds, and temperatures down to 14 degrees!  I guess I can plant them now.  

And that's about it for color in my yard........ I do miss the wonderful flowers and early spring blooms to the west of the Cascades where I moved from, but I do love the rustic look here of the pine trees, pine cones and mountains, sage, and of course, stumps!

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