Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hi all!
I posted a neat little video a couple of days ago on base and shade stamping.  Since I'm new to blogging, I didn't realize that when you've subscribed to my blog and get an email with a video in it, you must click on the post title in order to watch the video!  Live and learn right???  Your email will have the actual post, but the video won't show up unless you actually click on the post title which will take you to my blog.. and THEN you can watch the video.  Next time I post a video, I'll put a little reminder.

Just in case you didn't see it, here is the video again... on base and shade stamping.  Oh, and I didn't mention, but all of the My Acrylix stamp sets in the Spring/Summer 2012 catalog are still available so go to my website to view that Idea Book (under Products) and take a look at those stamps too!  The Heartfelt Treasures on page 68 would work great as would Rosy Regards on page 67. 

I may not be posting as much during the next 2-3 weeks as we are moving 250 miles away, to beautiful La Pine, Oregon and I have lots of packing to do!  Of course, all of my CTMH stuff will get packed last so I can "play" right up to the last minute!  ........... and they'll be the first things unpacked when we get to our new place!

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