Monday, August 26, 2024

What I've been doing..... Part 1

Hello Friends!
It's been awhile since I've posted. I'm sorry! Life has been hectic (as it is for everyone!).

I'm trying to keep up with's passing by too quickly and I just can't seem to get caught up with the days that fly by.

I'm trying to do a quick post today of a few things I've been doing.

Got a new firepit.. only have used it once, due to hot weather and a fire ban shortly after I bought it!

My son trying to make my old run-down fence look decent!


Planting flowers along the front of my home.

I bought this from the local nursery... was so beautifiul and has grown so much.. but now with the waning days of summer, it needs some attention.

Got my two 3 ft by 6 ft garden beds put together and filled.. first with "filler" (driftwood, branches, leaves), and then purchased soil.

The area behind my shed got cleaned up by me and my son! Was a huge weedy mess, plus tons of blackberries growing through the fence.

One of my neighbors had dug up this old old rhododendron and she asked if I wanted it. I said yes! It sat in my wheelbarrow for 2 months! I finally tore off two clumps and got those planted. Only one has survived. My son planted the big clump that was left, just a few weeks ago. So far so good.

One of the smaller clumps.

Planted some strawberries in my raised bed... purchased some and got some from my next door neighbor. They are all everbearings.

My petunias in front of house... growing bigger!

Can't stand my ugly back fence, so bought some cedar to redo two sections. Please note the rhododendron still sitting in the wheelbarrow!

Here is photo of my ugly back fence before my son trimmed off the top boards that were all jagged and uneven. I still don't like it!

Planted FIVE artichoke plants! I've never planted artichokes before. Will see how they do.

Here is the newly planted rhododendron.. must have weighed 300 lbs. My son even had trouble getting it in the hole!

So far it's still alive.

View of my little clump of flowers (with pink chair) and the side of my neighbor's home, which is nice to look at.

Picked blueberries..... again from my neighbor. There is one little bush on the side of her house that is by my front steps, and that is now "my" bush!

Enough picked that I froze 10 baggies of 2 cup servings. Also made muffins and pancakes.

Planted Nasturtiums in my raised bed, next to my strawberries, and they have TAKEN OVER the entire bed! I just trimmed them away the other day (no pictures).

Leaves as big as salad plates! Never seen nasturtiums get so big!

Lovely yellow rose bush I bought from a nursery 20 milses away. It is so fragrant!

Nasturtiums taking over! They must like the salt in the soil (underneath is driftwood I used for filler).

Nasturtiums taking over my strawberries. They are buried underneaeth! I've since this photo, clared away alot of the Nasturtiams but left the flowering parts.

One of my artichokes.. doing very well. This was taken about 6 weeks since I planted.

I'll leave you with this picture of my gorgeous yellow rose! This was when it was healthy! I think right now it's getting some sort of powder fungus.... I need to figure out how to treat it.

Part 2 will be coming soon!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, and sliding into Fall with grace...
