Thursday, February 29, 2024

New town, new journey

Hello all!

It's been 7 months since I last posted and alot has happened!

It's been a VERY BUSY time for me, and although I thought many times of posting something, I just couldn't get it started, or if I started the post, I couldn't finish it. I didn't want to jinx myself by telling  my news and then have it not happen! And there WERE times I didn't think it would happen.

There finally IS some news!

I've moved!

My dream of many years has been realized.... to live closer to my son and his fiancĂ© on the Oregon coast. It took a year of planning, stress, worry, hard physical work, hard mental work, driving back and forth to the coast, and many other towns in between, and lots of prayers... oh so many prayers. I wanted to follow the path God had in store for me, after my husband passed a little over two years ago.

I didn't want to make any snap decisions after he died... so I waited a year before starting with my plans, to be sure the plan was right for me and what God approved for me.

There were many ups and downs.. many times I thought maybe I was not supposed to move and was supposed to stay in Madras. I questioned that many many times.... besides wanting to live closer to my son, I did not like the climate where my husband and I had ended up back in 2012 (he wanted to move to the dry climate of Oregon - I preferred the wetter, greener climate west of the mountains). 

I did not like the dry, brown area, with no rivers or creeks or streams, no big trees, no green, no misty air, and nowhere to walk in the woods! I had dreamed of moving back to west of the Cascade Range for years. I could not stand the hot summers, where it reached sometimes 114 degrees! or the frigid winters with weeks of air inversions, and feet of snow. 

I dreamed of moving back to the place I grew  up, but it seemed like I kept hitting roadblocks all along the way this last year. I sure did pray alot and read many scriptures on how to make decisions and how to listen to the Lord. 

Last May or so, I did found a scripture that just screamed at me.... to MOVE! Yes.. "move" He said...... find your joy and feed your soul....... and so that is when the real search began, for a little (downsized) cottage, hopefully by the town of Astoria where my son lives . After I had found that scripture though, and began my search in earnest, there were times I wondered if I was right to pursue my dream, when I was so comfortable in my nice 3 bedroom home there in (dry) Madras, and brick walls hit me left and right! 

As I said, MANY ups and downs, much soul searching and much second guessing myself and God's plans for me.

I'll find that scripture and put it in my next post, as right now, I can't find it as haven't unpacked all of my "desk" stuff.

So I'm finally here......... and I will tell more on my next post and have photos to show of my journey so far. This new journey has really just begun..........

I'm still recouperating from the move, but have gotten alot unpacked since I arrived here 3 weeks ago. 

Bye Bye beautiful Irises..... I'll miss you, but I did bring a few with me.

Bye Bye Madras house. I'll miss you too......  you managed to wrap me in  your arms and keep me safe and warm for 8 years. I admit that I did NOT like your climate though! But you WERE a wonderful  house for my husband and I. It was time for me to move forward.

Oh what a journey it's been!
