Saturday, December 24, 2022


Merry Christmas to everyone! The special day is almost here, and the birthday of Jesus that we all look so forward to!

I just want to do a quick update on my injuries from my fall on November 17th. I'm hanging in there and doing better! I've gone from a cast on my wrist (I broke my WRIST, not my thumb as I first was told) to a brace that I can take off now and then (for showers, etc.).......and that stays on for about 3 more weeks. Boy was it a relief to get that cast off! I do have a little more flexibility now.

I finally got in to see a neurologist. He took xrays again that day right at his office. He did confirm that I have a T8 vertabra fracture (it's squished) "nondisplaced". That means it hasn't really moved outward and he could see no sign of pinched nerves, so he didn't order an MRI. 

It is feeling better and I'm not taking pain pills, or even Advil for the most part..... that makes me feel good. But I do need to take Advil if I overdo, which it's hard for me NOT to do! I'm not supposed to lift more than 10 lbs. or twist and turn, and just be careful overall. I'll have another set of xrays done on January 9th and then "see" him on Jan. 10th via zoom meeting. I'm so glad I don't have to drive to Bend again, which is 100 miles round trip! He wants to make sure it doesn't squish down further. If it has, I don't know what he'll want to do. Say your prayers for me please? that it doesn't get any worse.

We had our first "more than a skiff" snow on December 10th.. about 6 inches. I was worried about driving to Bend 3 days later, but fortunately the roads were mostly clear. It's been VERY cold here, so that same 6 inches is still mostly on the ground 12 days later! We've  had down to about 5 degrees some nights, others maybe 12 or 14.. but I'm very happy to see that our town is keeping the roads nice and plowed.

And let me tell you.......I'm walking VERY carefully when I got outside! I'm paranoid now about walking anywhere that it "might" be icy, even if it looks like it's not. I do have to tromp in the snow sometimes... can't be helped when going out back to feed my community cat.. he lives in a little shed that I heat with a heat light, just for him.. and he also has a heated water pan! I always wear my heavy coat and carry my phone with me!

Snow on top of snow!

The snow was so beautiful... always is.. but at this point, I'd rather have rain! 

We are in the midst of the "big storm" that has moved down from Canada and is innundating the mid-west and northern states with below zero temperatures and high winds... and lots of snow in some places. I'm so so thankful that Madras is just on the edge of it, and we are only getting residual cold temps.. and a little snow (I may be speaking too soon as the snow has just started as I write this!).  It's "only" 10 degrees now so I'm a happy camper.

I so feel for my friends, family and blog friends, who live in the path of that storm. 

Before my fall, I got some crocheted leaves finished for my Autumn decorating and as gifts. I had wanted to make a few more, but with my hand in a cast, no way could I crochet. I still can't.

I hadn't made any of my Christmas cards, and I did manage to get them all finished and mailed out. It was not easy making cards one-handed. I know many of my readers have probably, at one time or another, had a surgery or injury to where they could only use one hand, but it never is easy. It was hard enough when my husband was there to help me out........ it's much harder with it only being me now.

I had both of my wrists done (carpal tunnel surgery) over the last couple of years, but I at least could use my fingers (and I had help from my hubby)......... but with the cast, I could not use them or bend anything!

Here are a few cards from Christmases past (just showing them because they are so pretty to look at!):

...........and a few recent ones from this year.........

I didn't decorate my house, other than my tree, which was a real stretch......and I put a wreath over my mantel and a few little things on my dining table in a wood tray. I'm happy that I at least got my tree up! My son was here for 10 days after my fall, and he kept saying, when are we putting the tree up? and I just really wasn't in the mood, being in pain and all. I'm glad he did set up for me. But then (after he left of course)... I found out that none of the lights worked! I ended up having to go buy lights for it and string those on, one handed of course. 

I do enjoy all the twinkling lights, and I did put up a few of my little fairy lights around the living room, here and there. 

I'm using a table I had put together for my yard sale, as my "wrapping" area and a place to display my cards. It sure has come in handy. I "was" going to sell it at the sale, but decided to keep it, as it's nice and heavy duty. Glad I did.

Once I could craft again (without pain or overdoing it), I managed to make some hot cocoa and apple cider packs, that I took to the shop here in town, where I sell my items. 

I've done a little baking... made some pumpkin bars... who craves pumpkin this time of year? I sure do! I had a store bought pumpking pie at Thanksgiving (spent alone), and now want to make a real pie. I played around with making some mug cakes... this was a gingerbread mug cake - oh so good!

I also made a chocolate one. They are so easy. I just mix up the ingredients right in the mug, and microwave it for around 90 seconds. Quick and easy and no mess!

One more thing I had started, but not finished, was a Christmas Planner. I've never made one before, but decided I would this year, so all of my lists could be in one place! So I finished it up just a couple of weeks ago, and am happily using it!

I love the Shabby papers and colors, and I made it to cover a 5 year period. I'm going to enjoy looking back each year to see what I did.

Won't be  using this section this year! I'm not doing much meal planning!

As I write this, it's Thursday, December 22nd. I'm still busily finishing up a few things, and wrapping a few more gifts for family I'll see on Christmas. I'm enjoying the feeling of being "almost" ready for Christmas Day.  

I may or may not spend Christmas with my sister and her husband. They live about 30 miles away, and it depends on the weather, plus he has been sick. I'd just as soon stay home and not catch any germs! I've bought a small ham just in case, plus a yam, cranberry sauce, cheese spread for my celery, and will make deviled eggs. Hopefully, I will also have a homemade pumpkin pie!

I'm not going out anywhere tomorrow (Friday) as it's supposed to snow or ice all day! (Update: on Thursday night, we only got about 1 inch of snow.. and got down to 4 degrees. Easy peasy! Was expecting way worse weather!)

I'll be happy and cozy inside. I pray none of you are too hard hit with this big storm. I know alot of it has hit the midwest states already.

May each and every one of you have a Blessed Christmas, and I'm wishing you love, joy and happiness. I pray this country, that I so love, will find some peace and "coming together" in 2023. I don't doubt our people.. there are SO MANY wonderful and loving people in this country.. it's the government that I pray for. 
